So this weekend I suggest you ditch the Friday night drinks at the pub for an evening investigating the nature of social interaction in the digital realm at the latest V&A Late.
Running alongside the "All of This Belongs To You" exhibition the V&A Late session will not only include curator tours of the exhibition, but there's also plenty of talks and events to fuel your thirst for knowledge.
Learn how architecture has played an influential part in video games such as BioShock (a great game which everyone should play) and how the line between fiction and reality is starting to blur. Discover the truth about the destruction of laptops and hard drives owned by the Guardian which held information leaked by Edward Snowden. Or simply understand why women take on the role of the damsel in distress in video games?
One thing is guaranteed. You'll leave the V&A with a wealth of knowledge at your finger tips.
V&A Late: Digital Public Spaces
Extras: It's not just about talks, music twin duo Formation will keep everyone entertained till the evening draws to a close
Cost: Free, but if you want to visit any of the current exhibitions during the night you'll need to pay (pre-booking is advised)
Opening Dates: 18:00 - 22:00, 29th May 2015